2023 Freeport International Baseball Invitational

2023年7月24日 19:00 – 2023年7月29日 23:30
Freeport, 201-299 Cherry Way, Freeport, PA 16229, USA
The 2023 Freeport Internationals will be held the week of July 25th through the 29th. This is the 29th annual event. During the week we will have a lot of activities such as the annual Old Timers game, the John Cossy Costantino 5K, and fireworks display.
1 時間Managers Meeting
Freeport Borough Field
2 時間Sunny Westerman Old Timers Game
Freeport Borough Field
4 or less games
This ticket is valid for 4 or less games. Please remember to bring a dozen baseballs as a donation for the week.
$150.00手数料 +$3.75販売終了5 to 7 Games
This ticket is valid for 5 to 7 games. Please remember to bring a dozen baseballs as a donation for the week.
$200.00手数料 +$5.00販売終了8 + Games
This ticket is valid for 8 or more games. Please remember to bring a dozen baseballs as a donation for the week.
$250.00手数料 +$6.25販売終了Host Team
This ticket is valid ONLY for teams who will host games at baseball fields.